MALVERN MOntessori Elementary Uniforms
School uniforms can be ordered at
Downstairs Supplies
Please mark your child’s name on every item:
**5 subject spiral notebook
**4 1-subject notebooks
**2 1-inch 3 ring binders with clear pockets
**2 Packets of 3 ring lined loose leaf paper
** 1 good quality compass
** 1 protractor
** 1 daily planner
1 packet 3 x5 index cards
10-15 sharpened #2 Pencils (these will need to be replaced monthly)
4 pocket folders (2 pockets) (different color folders are helpful)
4 glue sticks
Pencil top erasers
Small – hand pencil sharpener
1- 12 pack of sharpened colored pencils
1 box of 16 crayons
1 pencil box (no larger than 8” x 6”)
1 pair of scissors – “fiskars”
2-1 subject notebooks
1 12-inch ruler
1- 36 pack Pentel markers – Order on line –
Good quality backpack
Lunch box with a cold pack
Good quality water bottle with lid to be kept at school
Chester County Library system card
Art Smock
1 Large box Kleenex
1 Large container of Clorox wipes
1 pair of plain rubber soled slippers to be kept at school (no animal themed slippers please) or Crocs
Upstairs Supplies
Please mark your child’s name on every item
4 sharpened fat pencils (replaced monthly)
4 folders (2 pockets) of different colors
2 erasers
1- 12 pack of sharpened colored pencils
1- 8 pack crayons
1- 36 pack Pentel markers – Order online –
4 glue sticks
1 large pencil box
1 Child size scissors – “fiskars”
Art smock
Good quality backpack
Lunch box with a cold pack
Good quality water bottle with lid to be kept at school
1 Large Box of Tissues
1 Large container of Clorox wipes
1 pair of Crocs to be kept at school